Thursday, September 13, 2007

Witherspoon had panic attacks after divorce

Reese WitherspoonActress Reese Witherspoon has opened up about her divorce from actor Ryan Philipe and reveals that it was pretty painful.

After the split, the Oscar winning actress had panic attacks for about a month.

She said: 'Right around Christmas time I was sitting in a parking lot and I felt like I just couldn't get out of the car. I thought, okay, half of the parking lot has dealt with this. Okay, let's make it a little bigger - half of this city has dealt with this. Okay, let's make it a little bigger - half of this country, until I finally got out of the car.'

She compared the moment to a scene from her movie 'Walk the Line', for which she won an Oscar, saying: 'There's this moment in 'Walk The Line' where June Carter says, 'I was never aware of how much I was seen.'

'I was very aware of how much I was seen. It was this moment of self-discovery and loss of identity and who was stepping out of the car, you know? Who is that person?'

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