* Female, 18
* Member Since: May 2006
* Location: Philippines
* Hometown: nUeva eciJa
* Company: kikay_group
* sHai's URL: http://profiles.friendster.com/28860379
* Member Since: May 2006
* Location: Philippines
* Hometown: nUeva eciJa
* Company: kikay_group
* sHai's URL: http://profiles.friendster.com/28860379
..i Aint aNy of those gooD gurLs..iNfAct iM a Bad gUrL ..cAll me bitCh..
teLL me iM ImpoSSibLe..
weLL i donT carE honey
.....goOd gUrLs gEt soMethIng
yEt BAD guRls get ALL thEy want.
...good guRLs gEt theiR dessErt
BAD gurLs get theiR bUFFet..
...gOOd guRls Fly Low undEr the radar,,bAd guRLs stEal the spotLight..
...Good GurLs hAve the lAst laUgh..bAd GuRls LauGh at All TiMeS..
..gooD guRLs go to Heaven..BaD gUrLs haVe bEEn tO heLL and BaCk..
...gooD gUrLs jUst Get mAd..bAd GUrLs AlWAyS gOt EvEn..
....NOthIng Bad AbOuT beIng GooD..But SomEtImEs...
SHAI.w/c meAns "feminine" is what my cLose frIeNds caLL me and that iS hoW i LikE to Be adreSSEd.
paraNg soBranG "shy" un dating but when you tRy tO knOw mE bEtter..sobranG gULo co..anD madaLdaL..i DoNt LiKe dULL momEnts kaseeEEE..
-i was aLso namED afTer the Late QUeeN of Great bRitaiN.."queen ANNE"..kaya daw siGuRo i'm a GrEaT LeaDEr din..(theY saY??)hehe
-i liKe music so MucH anD LOve gRooVinG WiTh it..i JoiN a BanD beFore buT unfoRtunaTeLy it diDnt Last..i aLso JoiN diFF danCe grOups whEn i was in HIgh scHooL..anD i takE up so maNy dancE worksHops in FoLkdanCE,baLLrOom,jaZZ,anD evEn FLamEnco..
-i'm interested to GuyS whO are a Lot oLder than mE..tHose GuYs wiTh a sEnsE of ResponsibiLity..thosE wiTh soMetHing tO bRag ..gUys whO caN shOw othErs hOw pRoUd he Is aBoUt his GurL...
-damN iM cRaZy ovEr cHocolates!!
-iM fLaTtered every timE a Guy sends me fLowerS,especialy wHen its giVen peRsoNaLLy
-oooHhH my reLatives and friends especially mY moM lovEs it whEn i Cook fOr them,,They oFten compLiment me abOut my CookiNg skiLLs.thEy Love my "caRbonaRa" anD mY "aDoBO"..uhmmMM yUm!
-HmmHm.i aLso haVe taLent in sketChing,i draw a lot..i sketch human figuRes.midnigHt is my favoRite scEnaRio..
-i Can Be reaLly bad
-dont let me lose my temper for i Can be As baD as a deviL in heLL aS yoU wisH me To be..
-i can be a good friend to anYone..but avoid annoying me..if you want a Quiet liFe..LOL =>
.-therE aRe Lots of thIngs abOut me.yOu may likE me..hate me..enVy me..aDore me..LovE me..but the bottom line is.."YOU AINT ME!"
-mwuuuaAhhHhh !!
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